UIN Jakarta Professor Calls PTKI Law Graduates Competent and Competitive

UIN Jakarta Professor Calls PTKI Law Graduates Competent and Competitive

Yogyakarta, UIN Online News - Bachelor of Laws graduates from the Faculty of Sharia and Law in Islamic Religious Universities (PTKI) show competence and competitiveness when juxtaposed with Bachelor of Laws from public universities (PTU). PTKI law graduates are also increasingly recognized by the public. 

UIN Jakarta Professor Ahmad Tholabi Kharlie said that Bachelor of Laws graduates from the Faculty of Sharia and Law at Islamic Religious Universities (PTKI) in its development increasingly have competence and competitiveness when juxtaposed with Bachelor of Laws graduates from the Faculty of Law at Public Universities (PTU). "Bachelor of Law graduates from the Faculty of Sharia and Law from PTKI are increasingly competent and competitive," said Tholabi in the national seminar "Legal Politics and the Existence of Bachelor of Law Degrees for Sharia Faculty Graduates" at UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, Wednesday (21/3/2024).

The Vice Rector for Academic Affairs of UIN Jakarta said that after a year, graduates of the Faculty of Sharia and Law with the Bachelor of Laws (S.H.) degree have shown their existence in various public spaces. According to him, this is inseparable from the accelerative steps taken by stakeholders, both internal academicians of the Faculty of Sharia and Law and the Ministry of Religion as the fostering institution. "Law graduates from the Faculty of Sharia and Law have shown their existence and work in various public spaces, especially in the realm of law. I think this is proof of recognition from the public today," said Tholabi. 

According to the Central Board of the Association of HTN-HAN Teachers (APHTN-HAN), the Bachelor of Laws (S.H.) degree for graduates of the Faculty of Sharia and Law which has been valid since 2016 must be maintained while continuing to make improvements and strengthen the capacity of all stakeholders, including education organizers, teaching staff, educators, students, and graduates. "The S.H. degree for graduates of the Faculty of Sharia and Law must be maintained while continuing to make improvements to strengthen the capacity and competence of graduates," said the former Chair of the Forum of Deans of the Faculty of Sharia and Law of PTKIN throughout Indonesia.  

From an academic perspective, continued Tholabi, the learning curriculum posture at the Faculty of Sharia and Law has fulfilled the mandatory components of undergraduate law courses. Compulsory faculty courses agreed upon by the Cooperation Board (BKS) of the Dean of the Faculty of Law, namely: State Science, Introduction to Legal Science, Introduction to Indonesian Law, Law and Society, Constitutional Law, Civil Law, Customary Law, Islamic Law, Criminal Law, Law State Administration, Agrarian Law, Labor Law, Engagement Law, Public International Law, Criminal Procedure Law, Administrative Procedure Law, Civil Procedure Law, Commercial Law, MPPH, Inter-Legal Law, Legislative Science and Design, Ethics and Professional Responsibility Law, Law and Human Rights, Environmental Law, Legal Philosophy, Legal Practice, IPR, Telematics Law. "So far, all Islamic law or sharia law study programs have implemented and met the minimum standards for the mandatory components of undergraduate law courses. "In fact, the added value is that a good mastery of Islamic legal rules will further strengthen the reputation of law graduates who come from UIN, IAIN or STAIN," said Tholabi.

This activity, which was attended by the Deans of Sharia and Law Faculties throughout Indonesia, also presented other speakers, namely Dr. Ahmad Bahiej, S.H., M.Hum., as Head of the Legal and Foreign Cooperation Bureau of the Ministry of Religion) and Prof. Dr. Drs. Makhrus Munajat, S.H., M.Hum. as Dean of the Faculty of Sharia and Law at UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta. These two legal experts also emphasized the importance of maintaining a Bachelor of Laws (S.H.) academic degree for PTKI Sharia and Law Faculty graduates by revealing a number of historical, juridical and academic facts. (PIH/Novia Syifaputri Ramadhan)

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