UIN Jakarta Offers Variety of Scholarships

UIN Jakarta Offers Variety of Scholarships

Rectorate, UIN News Online – UIN Jakarta in the academic year 2022/2023 provides a number of scholarships for undergraduate and graduate students. This was said by Head of the Student Welfare Subdivision, Rosmayenni to UIN News Online, Tuesday (05/24/2022).

 “The scholarships provided came from the government and the private sector, institutions and individuals,” she said.

The following are some of the scholarships offered by UIN Jakarta from a number of institutions and individuals.

First, the UIN Jakarta Public Service Agency (BLU) scholarship. Scholarships are awarded to students who apply to the Faculty of Adab and Humanities, the Faculty of Ushuluddin, the Faculty of Sharia and Law, and the Faculty of Dirasat Islamiyah. The requirements for prospective scholarship recipients are to pass the Independent enrollment selection and only register in certain study programs in each faculty.

Second, Kartu Indonesia Pintar or KIP Kuliah scholarship. Scholarships are given to students who have one of the national assistance program cards, such as the Kartu Indonesia Pintar (KIP), Kartu Jakarta Pintar (KJP), and Kartu Keluarga Sejahtera (KKS) Program Keluarga Harapan (PKH).

“Starting this year, people with disabilities have the right to become candidates for this scholarship program. This scholarship does not require UKT 1-3 levels but all UKT levels,” said Rosmayeni.

He added that scholarships for KIP Kuliah holders at UIN Jakarta have a quota of 500 students. Quotas are spread across 12 faculties and with varying quota in each study program.

Third, Kartu Jakarta Mahasiswa Unggul (KJMU) Scholarship. This scholarship are given to students who have the Kartu Jakarta Pintar (KJP) and are registered with the Ministry of Social's Social Welfare Integrated Data.

Fourth, Beasiswa Yayasan Beasiswa Jakarta (YBJ) Scholarship. Scholarships are given to students who are residents of DKI Jakarta as evidenced by an Identity Card (KTP) and Family Card (KK) and study at universities in the DKI Jakarta area, including UIN Jakarta.

Fifth, Karya Salemba Empat (KSE) Scholarship. Scholarships are given to unmarried stodent and are not currently receiving scholarships from other institutions.

Sixth, the National Amil Zakat Agency (Baznas) Scholarship. Scholarships are given to active 5th semester students and have a minimum GPA of 3.00.

Seventh, Beasiswa Plus Djarum Foundation. Scholarships are given to students who are currently studying in the fourth semester with a minimum GPA of 3.20 in the third semester and can maintain it in the fourth semester. Then active in organization, both on and off campus.

Eighth, UIN Jakarta Social Trust Fund (STF) Scholarship. Scholarships are given to 2-7th semester students excel student (Min GPA of 3.20) who are underprivileged. Then active in organizations, and have non-academic achievements.

Ninth, the Professor Azyumard Azra Scholarship. Scholarships are awarded to students of the Master of History Study Program or students in other study programs (History Concentration) and currently conducting research for thesis writing.

Tenth, Professor Nabilah Lubis Scholarship. Scholarships are given to undergraduate and graduate students who are studying at the Arabic Language and Literature Study Program at UIN Jakarta. This scholarship aims to support Arabic studies and strengthen Islamic civilization studies. (ns/usa)