The 10th SPS UIN Jakarta Research Discussion Addresses Instrument Preparation in Quantitative Research

The 10th SPS UIN Jakarta Research Discussion Addresses Instrument Preparation in Quantitative Research

Postgraduate Research Library Building, UIN News Online - Quantitative Research is one of the important research models for students of Islamic studies to understand. Unfortunately, there are still few students and researchers of Islamic studies who pay great attention to quantitative research. On the other hand, currently quantitative research works are dominated by survey institutions and not from universities.

This was stated by Dr. Suwendi, M.Ag, a lecturer at the Graduate School (SPs) UIN Jakarta as well as the founder of the Bildung Research Club in delivering a routine discussion organized by SPs UIN Jakarta supported by the Bildung Research Club, SPs UIN Jakarta Research Library, and Genmaster SPs UIN Jakarta. The discussion activity was held blended online and offline on Tuesday, February 27, 2024, at the SPs UIN Jakarta Research Library Building which was attended by participants from the UIN Jakarta campus and various other campuses in the country.


According to Dr. Suwendi, M.Ag, understanding Islamic studies cannot necessarily be known through qualitative research, but should also be done through a quantitative approach. "Especially Islamic studies that are based on social facts should use quantitative research. Therefore, students and researchers of Islamic studies should understand and have mastery of quantitative research," said the SPs UIN Jakarta lecturer.

The 10th discussion presented Vika N. Mufidah, M. Si., a doctoral program student at UIN Jakarta as well as a lecturer at UNUSIA and the Founder of Imperium Research Institute, as a speaker, and was guided by Nuryaman, S.Ptk, a librarian at the SPs UIN Jakarta research library. Vika emphasized that instrument development is a very important step in quantitative research. "Because quantitative research speaks through numbers, the instrument becomes a measuring tool that must exist in quantitative research and must be ensured that it is valid and reliable before use," she said.

Vika Mufidah explained in detail the types of instruments or measuring instruments that can be used in quantitative research. First, by adopting a measuring instrument. This type of measuring instrument requires the researcher to translate the instrument into the destination language. So that in the process researchers need to focus on finding translation equivalence and minimizing changes.


Second, adaptation of measuring instruments, which is adjusting existing instruments to the cultural context, and need to do a validity test again. Third, modification of measuring instruments by maintaining the theoretical concept but still being able to change the specifications and original character of the scale. Fourth, the construction of measuring instruments, namely by developing tests from scratch. Finally, the type of instrument is direct use. This means that the existing measuring instruments are already in Indonesian, so researchers can use them directly without having to test the validity again.

In the response session, Dr. Suwendi, M.Ag added an explanation that this quantitative research can be used for Islamic studies research that focuses on sociology and anthropology approaches. In more detail, Vika Muvidah said that in Islamic studies, quantitative methods are commonly used to explore people's perceptions of religious traditions and practices, and can also be used to reveal people's interpretations of certain verses of the Qur'an and hadiths.


This discussion was quite lively, not only followed by students but also a number of lecturers from UIN Jakarta and other campuses participated. "Friends from any campus, both undergraduate and postgraduate programs, who want to be actively involved in this routine discussion, please just come to the SPs UIN Jakarta Research Library building on Jalan Kertamukti Pisangan every Tuesday at 13.00 to 15.00 WIB," said the activity coordinator, Ahmad Junizar. (Tanzil)

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