Rector Amany Lubis Launch Her Book at Lemhannas

Rector Amany Lubis Launch Her Book at Lemhannas

Jakarta, UIN News Online – The Indonesian National Resilience Institute (Lemhanas) launched 57 books by its alumni. One of them is the work of the Rector Amany Lubis titled “Transformasi dan Adaptasi di Masa Pandemi Covid-19: Ranah Pendidikan, Ekonomi, Politik, dan Agama”. The book launch and review event was held at the Lemhannas RI Building, Jakarta, Thursday (05/19/2022).

The launch of 57 books by Lemhannas alumni was held to commemorate the 57th Anniversary of Lemhannas RI with the theme “Transformasi Lemhannas RI: Ketahanan Nasional Era Geopolitik 5.0”.

The book review was held on a panel basis by presenting three main speakers, namely Amany Lubis, Governor of Lemhannas RI Andi Widjajanto with his book titled “Transformasi Perang Darat Tahun 2045” and Margaretha Hanita (Postgraduate Lecturer at the University of Indonesia) titled “Ketahanan Nasional: Teori, Adaptasi, dan Strategi”.

Amany Lubis said the book she wrote is a collection of her speeches and activities in various forums during her three years of serving as the Rector of UIN Jakarta between 2019-2021. The 362-page book is divided into five chapters and given an introduction by the Rector of UIN Jakarta for the 1998-2006 period and Professor of the Graduate School (SPs) UIN Jakarta, Azyumardi Azra.

The first chapter, said Amany, contains several problems faced by the Indonesian people during the outbreak of the Covid-19, including the policy of delaying the departure of Indonesian pilgrims to Saudi Arabia.

“This is done to protect Indonesian citizens, both at home and abroad,” she said.

According to Amany, this policy is also considered as a form of government effort to deal with the Covid-19 pandemic, which had experienced a spike after the Eid holiday. “With this policy, pilgrims from Indonesia are canceled for the second time after the first ban was given in 2020,” said the alumnus of the 2012 National Defense Forces Briefing Program (PPSA) XVIII.

In the second chapter, said Amany, this book discusses sovereignty and harmonization. Among them is the strategy of the Indonesian nation in maintaining the air sovereignty area under the name of the Republic of Indonesia. Based on cases that have occurred, the Indonesian Air Force is the agency authorized to maintain the air sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia. This is in accordance with Article 10 of Law Number 34 concerning on the Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI).

In the third chapter, this book discusses the mainstreaming of Wasathiyah Islam. This chapter presents several articles that review the concept of wasathiyah Islam according to several Islamic figures as well as the opportunities and challenges of Islamic studies in the digital era.

As for the fourth chapter, Amany said it was about building a friendly education pattern. This chapter examines Indonesia's strategy in building superior human resources in the era of disruption. Then in the fifth chapter discussed about the development of Islamic economics in Indonesia.

According to Amany, the Islamic banking system is more stable than conventional banks in facing the global financial crisis.

“In addition, the financial performance of Islamic banks shows consistent and efficient conditions when compared to conventional banks,” said Rector Amany. (ns/usa)