Hearing of LP2M and PPM UIN Jakarta with South Tangerang City Government: The First Step Toward Collaborative Local Problem Solving

Hearing of LP2M and PPM UIN Jakarta with South Tangerang City Government: The First Step Toward Collaborative Local Problem Solving

South Tangerang, UIN Online News - The Center for Community Service (PPM) and the Institute for Research and Community Service (LP2M) of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta held a constructive audience with the South Tangerang City Government at the Tangsel City Government Office on Tuesday (5/3/2024).

The audience was attended by the Head of Bappeda of South Tangerang City, Eki Herdiana, who was accompanied by the Economic Analyst of Tangsel City Government, Dr. Djaka Badranaya, ME, as well as several parties from the Regional Development Planning, Research and Development Agency (Bappelitbang), Ira and Jaka. Also present were key figures from LP2M and PPM, namely the Head of LP2M, Prof. Amelia Fauzia, MA. Ph. D., Head of PPM, Ade Rina Farida, M.Si., PPM Coordinator, Dr. Deden Mauli Darajat, S. Sos.I, M.Sc., and Kaula Fahmi, M.Hum., as well as three PPM volunteers.

The hearing discussed the complex problems faced by South Tangerang City, such as environmental cleanliness and the high poverty rate. Eki Herdiana highlighted the differences in development indicators between cities and villages, acknowledging that not all villages use electricity. He also emphasized the limitations of private development, which requires changes in community behavior in electricity use and financial management.

Prof. Amelia Fauzia explained that their presence in this audience was the first step in the implementation of the Real Work Lecture (KKN) in the South Tangerang area. This aims to place lecturers and students to be right on target according to the problems faced by the local community.

"We hope that these centers can enter the international ranking. There are priority programs that are discussed in South Tangerang, there are changes in governance on campus and digitalization.  The governance at UIN is not yet full SPBE (Electronic Based Government System). There is a connection with Green campus (flagship program) and international," said Prof. Amelia who discussed the importance of follow-up cooperation and collaboration between local government and LP2M and PPM.

In the results of the hearing, the South Tangerang City Government is committed to providing data equipped with the conditions of reports and confirmation from the university. In addition, there is readiness from the South Tangerang City Government to help with transportation in the Tangerang area. The university and local government agreed to find targets that are in accordance with the problems in South Tangerang City, with students who carry out KKN providing relevant interpretations.

The suggestion made by the Head of South Tangerang is to consider implementing KKN every month. Meanwhile, it was suggested that the selection of lecturers for KKN should focus more on passion, by providing proposals or selection. The existence of assistant lecturers who focus on research and so on was also highlighted to ensure the success of KKN. This hearing is expected to be a positive first step in the collaboration between UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, LP2M, PPM, and the South Tangerang City Government to improve the quality of KKN and provide a positive impact on society. (PIH, Nadia Nur Fadillah, Novia Syifaputri Ramadhan)

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