FK UIN Jakarta: Medical Students' Strategies for Religious Moderation

FK UIN Jakarta: Medical Students' Strategies for Religious Moderation

Faculty of Medicine, UIN Online News - Faculty of Medicine (FK) UIN Jakarta held a webinar on Saturday (09/03/2024) through Zoom Meeting. The webinar entitled "The Role of Medical Students as Religious Moderation Agents" presented the Consultant of the Religious Moderation Working Group Team, Alissa Qotrunnada Munawaroh Wahid, S.Psi., M.Psi., as the webinar presenter. 

In his remarks, the Dean of UIN Jakarta Faculty of Medicine, Dr. dr. Achmad Zaki, M.Epid., SpOT., FICS., conveyed a message to medical students so that later when they enter the community, they are not only doctors who treat individuals, but also community leaders who have broader khidmah, especially in the religious field. 

This is in line with the presentation of religious moderation material delivered by Alissa Wahid that, the position of doctors and medical students in strengthening religious moderation is as 'nurses' of society, 'smart people' in society, solidarity makers, community leaders, and value formers who show religious brotherhood and national brotherhood.

Attitudes that show religious brotherhood can be shown one of them by believing in the truth of our views, while understanding that there are many groups within the same religion. The attitude that shows national brotherhood is to accept anyone from different religious groups because they have equal rights in Indonesia.

"Religious moderation is one of the contents intensified by the Ministry of Religion, because Indonesia is a religious and pluralistic country." Alissa explained. Maintaining a balance between religious rights and national commitment is a challenge for every citizen.

One of Gus Dur's sayings quoted by Alissa Wahid is that Pancasila is a unifying tool for the nation. Although Pancasila is man-made, the values in Pancasila are good values that are believed by all religious believers.

Given the many narratives that say jihad is defending Islam, not defending Pancasila or the state, Alissa Wahid reminded UIN Jakarta medical students not to get carried away by currents that can divide the nation and not become doctors who discriminate. "Islam is a mercy for the universe, not just for Islam," she said. (Nala Zakina/Novia Syifaputri Ramadhan)

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