Zakat Strengthens Indonesia's Economy

Zakat Strengthens Indonesia's Economy

FSH, UIN NEWS Online - Indonesia has three golden opportunities in the early third millennium. The formation of a new middle class is phenomenally rapid with its demographic bonus between 2015 to 2035, and the occurrence of central shift on the center of geo-economic gravity from west to asia has put Indonesia on the main flow.

Thus was conveyed by Chairman of Badan Amil Zakat Nasional (BAZNAS) Prof. Bambang Sudibyo as the keynote speaker of National Seminar on Prospect of Smart Show Banking in Zakat Development in Indonesia at Sharia Faculty and Law Building on Wednesday (7/6/2017). "This opportunity is a rare opportunity, my prediction will be repeated in the next future six to seven century ahead," he said.

Bambang added that the history of civilization is always repeating, history reminded of the past that at that distance the peak of glory of Hindu mataram towards the peak of glory sriwajaya majapahit about six to seven centuries. When drawn from the peak of glory of sriwijaya majapahit to this time, then the peak of glory will arrive at these times.

"Strategic factors determining Indonesia's ability to take advantage of three golden opportunities are the development of human resources, infrastructure development, ease of doing business and investing, fiscal solidity, monetary, and legal and political systems," he explained.

These three colossal opportunities have implications on zakat. The potential of zakat in Indonesia is large and bright. BAZNAS and IPB collaboration research have shown that zakat potential in 2010 amounted to 217 trillion rupiah. Taking into account the subsequent economic growth of the potential in 2016 has become 286 trillion rupiah.

"On the record, more than half of the potential is generated by corporate zakat whose realization of zakat is still very small, it is because lack of guidance on corporate zakat, and large corporations in Indonesia are still dominated by non-Muslims," he explained.

Bambang stressed that the potential on the future will continue to grow in tandem with economic growth and growth of muzaki class. To capture this great opportunity, Indonesia has incorporated zakat and waqf into the Masterplan of Islamic Finance Sharia (MAKSI), with its national commission chaired by the president.

"This means that Indonesia not to mess with the sharia economy. Zakat has entered the mainstream of sharia economy, and becomes the most important part of Indonesia's sharia economy. Sooner or later all zakat management organizations will be overseen by the Financial Services Authority (OJK). To prepare it all has become the mission of BAZNAS Center ", Bambang explained. (usa-im)