UIN Jakarta Started to Build LPTK

UIN Jakarta Started to Build LPTK

JDepok, BERITA UIN Online—UIN Jakarta officially started the construction of Personnel Training Institute (LPTK) Building with the funding need sapproximately US $217 billionin Bojongsari, Depok, Friday (07/08/2015). The building is locatedin the area of Bojongsari-Parung highway will be usedas a center for training and certification of madrasah teacher sunder the coordination of UIN Jakarta.

Opening of the first phase of development activitie scarried out by the Vice Rector, Prof. Dr. Murodi, MA, together with Vice Mayor of Depok, KH. Dr. Idris Abdul Shomad, MA. Also attend, the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Dr. Fadhilah Suralaga, M.Si., the bureau chief, section chief, district chief, and local community leaders.

Representing Rector, Murodi said the existence of LPTK was very necessary as the central location for education, training, and certification for the teachers who had been managed by UIN Jakarta. Nowadays, more similar activities conducted on UIN Jakarta campus with borrowing Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teaching Studies (FITK) building so the implementation is less than the maximum.

“For that reason, representing hopes of the academic community, we hope the elements of government, local community leaders, and Depok citizens could participate and support the construction of this facility,” he hoped.

In the first phase of the construction, PT. PP Pracetak will first do the backfill and foundation construction of the main building. This phase is estimated to take approximately six months to begin this August until December. Meanwhile, in his speech, Vice Mayor of Depok welcomed UIN Jakarta’s decision to build the LPTK facility in Bojongsari district. Because the existence of this facility was expected could give a positive impact to the society either in economic revenues or education improvement.

"For that, administratively, we are ready to encourage apparatuses and residents to help the construction of these facilities can be done well," he said.

Moreover, said Idris, who graduated from undergraduate to doctoral studies at the University of Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud, Ryad, Saudi Arabia, this is in line with the direction of development of Depok city. Whereas in the past the development carried out in the area around Margonda, future development will be focused on the area Sawangan-Bojongsari. (LRF/ZM translated by Ika Putri Mahardika)