UIN Jakarta Offers 58 Courses

UIN Jakarta Offers 58 Courses

Rectorate, UIN News Online – UIN Jakarta offers 58 Courses for 2017/2018 S1 admission. The selection process is done through six enrollment systems, among them are SNMPTN, SBMPTN, SPAN PTKIN, UM PTKIN, Self Enrollment (Ujian Mandiri), and Scholarship programs.

This was conveyed by the sub-division head of Publication and Documentation Feni Arifiani MA to UIN News Online in his office, Friday, (1/27). According to Feni, Self Enrollment system is a selection test that conducted independently by UIN Jakarta, but the processes and mechanisms still similar with the others, which is by using the online system. The candidates can register by filling the biodata and choosing the desired courses after paying the registration fee through designated banks.

Furthermore, Feni explained that, of the 58 courses, three of them are professional programs at the Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences. All three programs are Physician, Nurse and Pharmacist.

All 58 courses offered are in 11 faculties, the Faculty of Tarbiya and Teachers Trainings (12 Courses), The Faculty of Adab and Humanities (5 courses), the Faculty of Ushuluddin (5 courses), the Faculty of Sharia and Law (6 courses), the Faculty of Da’wa and Communication Sciences (5 courses), the Faculty of Dirasat Islamiyah (1 course), the Faculty of Psychology (1 course), the Faculty of Economic and Business (5 courses), the Faculty of Science and Technology (8 courses), the Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences (4 courses and 3 professional courses) and the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences ( 3 courses).

“For the religious courses, the selections are opened through Self Enrollmenent, SPAN PTKIN, UM PTKIN and UIN Jakarta Scholarship. As for the general courses, the selections are opened through Self Enrollment, SNMPTN, SBMPTN as well as scholarships program in cooperation with the Ministry of Religious Affairs and local governments (usa)