Student Affairs Establish UIN Jakarta “diplomatic” Corps

Student Affairs Establish UIN Jakarta “diplomatic” Corps

Student Affair Building, UIN News Online - The office of Vice Rector of Student Affairs, Prof. Dr. Yusran Razak, Thursday (7/12) is flooded with some students who wore a sash that read “Duta Putra-Putri UIN Jakarta 2016.”  They are none other than the "diplomat" of UIN Jakarta who had just won the election of UIN Jakarta ambassadors 2016 which was held some time ago. “Other than to silaturrahim, we invited them to form UIN Jakarta Diplomatic Corps,” said Yusron Razak.

The meeting was held in the form of discussion, guided by Raden Trisno Riyadhi, the Head of UIN Jakarta Central Library Administration section. Also present the Head of Student and Alumni Affairs Division, Bambang Prihono, SH and the other student adviser.

According to Yusron, the establishment of UIN Jakarta diplomatic corps is intended that the ambassadors of UIN Jakarta can develop itself to carrying out his duties as a diplomat. Among the task is to give product knowledge of UIN Jakarta to the public (nationally and internationally), to disseminate the views and attitudes of UIN Jakarta regarding with the global issues, to give messages from UIN Jakarta by using the various event and creative media, and to develop several ways to maximize the implementation of diplomatic process on behalf of UIN Jakarta to the public.

As an ambassador of UIN Jakarta, they were equipped with some requirements and code of conduct. Therefore, to be a member of the corps, they must meet various qualifications.

“We hope that the ambassador can carry out the duties very well, to promote the positive image of UIN Jakarta to the public, both nationally and internationally.” He said. (ika p/njs/ns/umar)