PPM: Medical Check-Up is Compulsory for all KKN Participants

PPM: Medical Check-Up is Compulsory for all KKN Participants

Gd. Rektorat, BERITA UINOnline-- Candidate of KKN PPM (community service) in 2016 has to check their health in UIN Jakarta’s hospital. The medical check-up aims to evaluate whether the participants of KKN are in good condition before conducting community service next August.

Djaka Badranaya ME, head of community service (PPM), told to BERITA UIN Online on Thursday, April 21. According to Djaka, medical check-up is a prerequisite for the participants of KKN PPM. “Community service needs a healthy condition from the participants, a medical report is needed to fulfill that requirement,” said Djaka.

The students who in unhealthy conditions cannot following regular KKN, alternatively they can do community service in campus with a scheme called KKN PPM in Campus.

Dr Sri Wahyunigtyas, one of the doctor in UIN Jakarta’s hospital, says that “doing community service for a month is physically challenging, so the students have to preparing themselves”. Sri also suggests the students to keep their health because human body is intermittent change, so they have to do a routine exercise and choose a healthy food. (Translated by Ihsan/Yaqin)