PPIM UIN Jakarta Held an Exclusive Seminar

PPIM UIN Jakarta Held an Exclusive Seminar

PPIM, Berita UIN Online—Center for Islamic and Society Studies (PPIM) UIN Jakarta held an exclusive seminar on “Muslimsperspective of Christians”. Present as the guest speaker, Prof. David Marshall, from Duke University, USA. This seminar took place at the Assembly Hall of PPIM UIN Jakarta, Monday (10/08/15).

Director of PPIM, Dr. Saiful Umam, in his speechappreciated the arrival of Prof. David Marshall to Indonesia, he explained about PPIM UIN Jakarta profile and Studia Islamica which has already indexed with Scopus.

In his presentation, David Marshall lifted the debates between Muslims and Christians that occurred during this time which is warmed up now. Thus make him interested in deep analysis about Muslim views on Christians. He spelled out his thoughts on paper “Heavenly Religion or Unbelief? Muslim Perspectives on Christianity”.

The American Professor explained about Al-Quran teachings that he believes true and its’ undeniable truth about some things.

“There are two perspectives on Muslim views about Christians, Muslimswill consider positively a Christian who changed their religion into Islam, and Muslims will regards positively to the faithful Christians” that was a piece of presentation by scholar of Islamic Studies Birmingham University.

He confirmed the explanation of Yesus in Al-Quran, and the Muslims perspective against Christians, Al-Quran explains over the ideal type of Christians with the right teachings which was brought by Yesus.

Present in this seminar, among others are the delegation of IAIN Sulthan Thaha Jambi, Serambi Islam Institue, PSPP Cirebon, IAIN Mataram, IAIN Langsa Acah, and UIN Jakarta. (TAM/LRF) Translated by Mahar