Paper of International Conference Will be Booked

Paper of International Conference Will be Booked

FISIP Building, UIN News Online—After 2 days (08-09/09/15) conducting InternationalConference onSocial andPolitical Sciences with theme “Explaining Religious Radicalism and Political Violence: Towards Nation-State Building”. FISIP UIN Jakarta committed to publish the participant papers in one book.

This was clarified by Vice Dean of Academics, Dr. Dzuriyatun Toyibah M.Si., MA, who delivered her speech on the closing of International Conference on Wednesday, (09/09).

“This is the first time we conduct international conference on social and political science, but we are greatly appreciate the response of political scientists who send their papers. We are committed to book the papers so it could be enjoyed by a broad audience,” he said.

In the event that lasted fortwo days, was presentas speakers, the world scientists in social and political field such as, Prof.Dr.Jacques Bertrand (Professor of the Department of Science-Political Science University of Toronto), Prof.Dr.Greg Barton (Alfred Deakin Institute for Citizenship and Globalisation, Deakin University), Dr. Leonard C. Sbastian (Coord Indonesia Programme, Rajaratnam School for International Studies/RSISNTU), and Dr.Muhammad Najib Azca (UGM).

In addition, there were also Prof.Dr.Bambang Pranowo, MA (Professor of FISIP UIN Jakarta), Prof. Dr. Michele Grossman (Center for Cultural Diversity and Wellbeing, Victoria University Melbourne), Dr.David Malet (University of Melbourne), and Dr.Ahmed S.Hashim (Ass. Professor RSISNTU).

Besides producing a book that consist soft papersrelated to Social and Political Sciences, the event isexpected to establish communication among the instigators of the social and political sciences. So the problems relating to the social and political issues can be resolved.

It is a common hope, that the International Conference which was attended by political scientists from various universities in the world, will be minimize the religious radicalism and political violence that recently appears massively in the world. (TAM/LRF) Translated by: Mahar