Islamic and Science Study with Humanity Vision Needs to be Strengthen

Islamic and Science Study with Humanity Vision Needs to be Strengthen

FU, UIN NEWS Online-- The effort on keeping the world peace is one of the job as academicians of UIN Jakarta. This could be done by strengthen islamic studies and humanity studies for viability which is full of honors and awards.

As lecturer from Faculty of Ushuluddin, Dr Media Zainul Bahri MA said in national seminar and book review of “Wajah Studi Agama-Agama” in Theater Room, the 4th floor in Faculty of Ushuluddin, tuesday (12/04).

According to the media, academicians of UIN Jakarta need to bethe problem solver of social problems both in Indonesia and in the entire world. “As a academician, upholding tolerance values sure become the most important part in keeping the peace of the nation with diverse ethnicities, culture, and religion” he implied.

The writer of “Wajah Studi Agama-Agama” also added, that improving theoretical aspects in Religion Study also needs to be put forward to create humanists tafsir so it could affect and benefit society.

“Hateful messages spreading toward other groups, is similar to abolish peaceful message that’s been written it the holy book of Quran. As an intellectual in religion field, the need to make every person to feel safe and sound is a must.” he added.

The seminar and book review with the theme of ‘Comparative Religion Study in The Future: Prospect Problem and Hopes’ also present two speakers, Ahmad Muttaqin, Ph. D (The head of Comparative Religion Study in UIN Yogyakarta) and Ahmad Afnan Anshori, MA (The head of Comparative Religion Study in UIN Walisongo Semarang). This event is attended by lecturers and students of Faculty of Ushuluddin. (Translated by: Ihsan/Amanda)