International Scientific Journal Training

International Scientific Journal Training

FSH Building, BERITA UIN Online—In order to improve the quality of scientific periodicals management at the Faculty of Sharia and Law (FSH) UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta organized "Scientific Periodical Management Training International Journal Reputed" this event lasted for two days, and began on Thursday (6-7/08/15).

Vice Dean for Public Administration Faculty of Sharia and Law, Dr. Ahmad Tholabi Kharlie MA, in his speech, the Vice Dean expects, with the holding of this training, can improve the quality and quantity of scientific journal writing in the Faculty of Sharia and Law, as well as a pioneer who spread the stimulus for another faculties in UIN Jakarta, to be more productive in writing, according to the Editorial Board of Ahkam Journaland Al Iqtishad Journal in Faculty of Sharia and Law UIN Jakarta.

Present as speakers in the training, Editorial In Chief Bulletin of Chemical Reaction Enginering& Catalysis, Department of Chemical Enginering, Istiadi PhD, in its speech he describes some strategies to penetrate the indexer Directory of Open Access Journal (DOAJ) Scopus Journal or Directory of Open Access.

Also present as the manager ofthe journal Studia Islamika, M.Nidha Fadhlan,M.Si, whoon this occasion expressed the Periodic Scientific Management Online Techniques, as well as sharing experience about managing StudiaI slamika. This event was also attended by the Boardof Higher Educationof the Ministry of Religious, Subandriah,MM, of Diktis who presented on scientific periodical management guidance policy in the university environment.

This training was attended by 35 participants, consisting of the managers of scientific journals in the UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. (Muhammad IsharHilmy/ Luthfy Rijalul Fikri translated by Ika Putri Mahardika)