8 Echelon IV Officials from UIN Jakarta follow Diklatpim

8 Echelon IV Officials from UIN Jakarta follow Diklatpim

Rectorate, UIN News Online – A total of 8 Echelon IV officials from UIN Jakarta following the Level IV Class of XXIX Leadership Training (Diklatpim) in the Ministry of Religious Affairs training center, Cakung, East Jakarta. Aside from UIN Jakarta, Diklatpim is also attended by the structural officer from the Ministry of Religious Affair in three areas, specifically from DKI Jakarta, Banten, and West Kalimantan.

The 8 officials from UIN Jakarta who attends the training are Feni Arifiani MH, Ummu Baroat MM, Efdison SE (All of them are Rectorate officials), Ahmadi MSi (Faculty of Psychology), Saiful Tasman SE (Faculty of Science and Technology), Dra Isti’anah Wahid (Faculty of Social and Political Sciences), Noverleni SE (Faculty of Science and Technology), dan Amin Jauhari SE (Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences).

“Diklatpim is a routine agenda from the Ministry of Religious Affairs and organized by National Institute of Public Administration the Republic of Indonesia (Lembaga Administrasi Negara Republik Indonesia). The training itself will last for a month, starting from 18th of July.” Said Feni Arifiani MH, the Subdivision Head of Documentary and Publication told UINNEWS Online in his office, Monday (8/1).

“The purpose of Diklatpim is to strengthen the managerial and leadership skills capacity building in order to carry out their duties in their respective units, and to create civil servants (PNS) which have competency in accordance with the requirements for echelon IV structural position," he said.

Diklatpim for echelon IV officials is attended by 30 participants. They come from various religiously affiliated universities, regional, and head office of the Ministry of religious affairs. (ika p/ns/umar)