34 Scientific Articles from the Lecturers and Librarian of UIN Jakarta are Indexed by SCOPUS

34 Scientific Articles from the Lecturers and Librarian of UIN Jakarta are Indexed by SCOPUS

logoscopusAcademic Building, UIN News Online – As many as 32 scientific articles from the lecturers and 2 from the librarian of UIN Jakarta are has been indexed by Scopus. The scientific works covers a variety of scientific fields based on their respective competency and capacity.

The Head of Organization, Personnel and Legislation Division UIN Jakarta Kuswara, S.Ag, M.Si when met by UIN News Online in his office, Friday, (12/30), explained that the works are based on authors research results and written with the appropriate standards which applied internationally.

“Their work has been published in both nationally and internationally accredited scientific journals,” said Kuswara.

From the 34 of the scientific articles, two of which came from the work of librarians at the Central Library of UIN Jakarta. These two articles are written by Dr Ulfah Fajarini entitled Traditional Knowledge on Malaria of Gayo People in Central Aceh, Indonesia (Published in Journal Studies on Ethno-Medicine, Vol. 10, No. 4, October 2016 edition) and the work of Agus Rifai MAg entitled Exploring User Expectancy with Regard to the Use of Institusional Repositories Among University Academic in Indonesia: A Case at Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University (Published in the Departement of Library and Information Science, International Islamic University Malaysia, 2016)

As for the other 32 articles, the three titles of which is the works of Dr Ujang Maman  (Lecturer at the Faculty of Science and Technology), two titles from Dr Masykur Hakim (Lecturer at the Faculty of Ushuluddin), another two titles from Puteri Amelia M.Farm (Lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences), five titles from Dr Dwi Nanto (Lecturer at Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers Training), four titles from Dr Amilin (Lecturer at The Faculty Faculty of Economics and Business), one title from Dr Media Zaenul Bahri (Lecturer at the Faculty of Ushuluddin), one title from Dr Amelia Fauzia (Lecturer at the Faculty of Adab and Humanities), one title from Kusmana MA (Lecturer at the Faculty of Ushuluddin), and one title from and Megga Ratnasari Pikoli (Lecturer at the Faculty of Science and Technology). (ika p/umar)